India Location Dedicated Server Launched .
Server Location: Pune India
Single CPU Quad Core Server, 100 Mbps Speed and 500 GB Bandwidth for Rs 6500/month
Hostripples offers a comprehensive line-up of fully managed dedicated servers in India from basic entry level to latest high performance servers across various price points.Available with a choice of Linux and Windows operating systems and a host of other customization and addon options, these dedicated servers are designed as a one stop solution for any requirement. Our all Indian dedicated servers are connected to a high-speed, redundant network and backed with 24x7 Support, Pro-active Server Monitoring and 100% Uptime SLA.
These cheap price Dedicated Server plans are designed in such a way that you will have full control over your account, also these are customizable and flexible for rapidly growing buisness applications or business orgnizations. Run your site flawlessly at the pick hours! Get the benefit of fastest connectivity and speed by having a dedicated server at the India location
A Single CPU Quad Core Server, 100 Mbps Speed and 500 GB Bandwidth for Rs 6500/month, 99.9% uptime India dedicated server delivered in 48 hours without any set up fee.
A Dedicated server is always better as it makes your system faster for longer time period without any strenuous feeling. You will be able to work on multiple tasks at a time, efficiently!!!
Benefit of selecting a India dedicated server location matters most in case of improving speed and ultimately SEO ranking! So select the location which will improve the speed and quality of the information sharing across the world.
Plan Details :
Среда, Апрель 17, 2019